Should we quit?

Some generations forwad in the future, when we humanbeings were really old fashioned, should we quit to help life in this rather aggressive universe leap to a more energetic, more smart and more robust form? Or should we try to elimite all these life forms once they enter our sight to avoid the extinction of humanbeings?

It is really weird that the fittest kills the unfittest even when they are powerful enough to demolish others and survive in the ruined ecosystem. Most of the time, our universe will do that for the fittested. What about giving the fittest a choice called massacre? Massacre is definitely making the evolution more efficiency. It comes the tough choice for us.

Should we give up if the fittest were to slaughter humanbeings?

We are rational animals. Under what circumstance, are we rational? This is correlated to other problems.

What is the rule of the universe? How could one make its choice? What is the purpose of our awful show?

Or we could regard humanbeings as a kind of selfish animals what choose to live on however reasonable it is to extinct. We simply make the survival of humanbeings the surpreme principal.

What a weird principal! When our world is still small, we think the whole village should survive. In the days we can travel to other villages, we think the whole union should survive. More recently, we find that our country should survive. Then the whole earth should survive. Maybe one day the whole galaxy should.

Are the principals emergent? Or should we ask the following question:

Is life more noble than the unaware beings?