外微分形式 | {Differential Forms} [1]
从今天开始,会不定期的贴出比较完整的外微分形式(exterior differential forms)的大纲。大部分只是简单的从书本中摘出来的,以便以后快速回想和查阅使用。初学者可能会犯很多错误,强烈要求指正。
所读书本为Harley Flanders的书,Google Books链接在文末给出。
Chapter 1 Why forms?
Chapter 2 Exterior Algebra
Orientation of the integration, determined by the argument.
More simple for some calculation. I always encounter calculations hard to be solved only with tensor analysis. That is why I started to learn a little about exterior differential forms.
1. Set up the space we will work on.
✟\mathcal{R}✟: field of real numbers.
✟\mathcal{L}✟: n dimensional space over ✟\mathcal{R}✟ with elements ✟\alpha✟, ✟\beta✟, ✟\dots✟
✟\wedge^p \mathcal{L}✟: space of p-vectors on ✟\mathcal{L}✟. This will be made clear later.
2. Basic rules for basis.
Linear: ✟(a \alpha +b \beta)\wedge \alpha_2\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p = a(\alpha\wedge\alpha_2\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p)+b(\beta\wedge\alpha_2\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p)✟
Any of the terms repeated in the expression ✟\alpha_1\wedge\alpha_2\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p✟ leads the whole to 0.
Interchanging between two terms in ✟\alpha_1\wedge\alpha_2\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p✟ changes the whole’s sign.
3. Properties of p-vector space
Function g can be defined on ✟\mathcal{L}✟ and mapping f on ✟\wedge^p \mathcal{L}✟, satisfying ✟f(\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p)=g(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_p)✟.
4. Determinants
Function ✟g_A✟: ✟\bigotimes^n \mathcal{L} \rightarrow \wedge^n \mathcal{L}✟ and ✟f_A✟: ✟\wedge^n\mathcal{L}\rightarrow\wedge^n\mathcal{L}✟ can be related by
f_A(\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p)=g_A(\alpha_1,\cdots, \alpha_p)\equiv A\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge A\alpha_p
Since only one kind of transformation the linear function ✟f_A✟ has, the only possible expression for ✟f_A✟ is ✟|A|\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p✟, where ✟|A|✟ is a scalar. Define ✟\wedge^p(\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p)\equiv A\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge A\alpha_p✟.
Another way of looking at ✟g_A✟ is ✟A\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge A\alpha_p = |a^i_j|\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p✟, if we have ✟A\sigma^i=\Sigma a^i_j \sigma^j✟.
Comparing the two understandings, we find ✟|A|=|a^i_j|✟. Here ✟|A|✟ is the determinant.
5. Exterior products
Basic rules: (✟\mu✟ and ✟\lambda✟ are p vector and q vector respectively)
a. ✟\mu\wedge\lambda✟ distribuative
b. associative
c. ✟\mu\wedge\lambda=(-1)^{pq}\lambda\wedge\mu✟
6. Linear transformations
Linear spaces: ✟\mathcal{M},\mathcal{N}✟ with dimension m and n respectively. The basis of ✟\mathcal{M}✟ is ✟\sigma^i✟.
Define a linear transformation A : ✟\mathcal M \rightarrow \mathcal N✟, which is
(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_p) \rightarrow A\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge A\alpha_p .
This is a map from ✟\bigotimes^p\mathcal M✟ to ✟\wedge^p \mathcal N✟.
One would find a useful linear transformation can be denoted ✟\wedge^p A✟ : ✟\wedge^p \mathcal M\rightarrow \wedge^p\mathcal N✟.
Note that ✟\wedge^p A✟ has matrix representation.
7. Inner product spaces
Basic rules
a. Linear in each variable
b. Symmetric: ✟(\alpha, \beta)=(\beta, \alpha)✟
c. Nondegenerate: if for fiexed ✟\alpha✟, ✟(\alpha,\beta)=0✟ for all ✟\beta✟, then ✟\alpha=0✟.
a. Each inner product space ✟\mathcal L✟ has an orthonormal basis.
b. ✟f✟: linear function on ✟\mathcal L✟. Then there is a vector ✟\beta✟ in ✟\mathcal L✟ such that ✟f(\alpha)=(\alpha, \beta)✟. (This property is very important.)
8. Inner product of p-vectors
Vector space ✟\mathcal L✟ has inner product ✟(\alpha,\beta)✟ on it. Define ✟(\lambda,\mu)=|(\alpha_i,\beta_j)|✟ on ✟(\wedge^p \mathcal L)\bigotimes (\wedge^p\mathcal L)✟, in which ✟\lambda=\alpha_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\alpha_p✟, ✟\mu=\beta_1\wedge\cdots\wedge\beta_p✟.
9. Hodge star
Linear transformation on ✟\wedge^p\mathcal L\rightarrow \wedge^{n-p}\mathcal L✟. (Depends on inner product and orientation. Orientation of ✟\mathcal L✟ which will remain fixed means we hake on basis for ✟\mathcal L✟ and only consider other basis which are expressed in terms of this one by a matrix with positive determinant.)
\lambda\wedge\mu=(*\lambda, \mu)\sigma (=f_\lambda (\mu)\sigma)
here * map is a linear one ✟\wedge^p\mathcal L\rightarrow \wedge^{n-p}\mathcal L✟.
注: ✟f_\lambda(\mu)✟把✟\mu✟从✟\wedge^p\mathcal L✟映射到✟\wedge^n\mathcal L✟。✟\lambda✟是✟\wedge^p\mathcal L✟上,✟\mu✟是✟\wedge^{n-p}\mathcal L✟上的,为了定义出这个线性的✟f_\lambda(\mu)✟,想到inner product,这样需要把✟\lambda✟,✟\mu✟放在同样的space中,故通过*来把✟\lambda✟从✟\wedge^p\mathcal L✟映射到✟\wedge^{n-p}\mathcal L✟上。
Differential forms with applications to the physical sciences
By By Harley Flanders