It's Science!
© 2023 Lei Ma.
/*This program trys to calculate the volume of a 20-dim ball with a Monte Carlo method*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #define L 2 /*l is the half length of the boxes*/ #define R 1 /*R is the radius of the ball. Should be half of L.*/ #define d 20 /*d is the dimension of the ball*/ #define n 100000.0 /*n is the numbers of total samples*/ #define o 100 /*The box is sliced into o pieces.*/ void main() { clock_t start,finish; //start=clock(); double duration; int i,j,k,l,m,p,s; double x1,x2,x[d],a,V[o],V_tot; start=clock(); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); j=0; a=1/sqrt(d)*R; p=0; for(p=0;p { m=0; i=0; for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { //srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); k=0; x[k]=(double)rand()/RAND_MAX*L/2/o+(double)p*L/2.0/o; k=k+1; while(k<=d-1) { //srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); x[k]=(double)rand()/RAND_MAX*L/2.0/o*(p+1); k++; } x2=0; for(l=0;l<=d-1;l++) { x2=x2+x[l]*x[l]; } x1=sqrt(x2); if(x1<=R) { m=m+1; } } V[p]=(double)m/n*(L/2.0/o)*pow((L/2.0/o*(p+1)),d-1)*d*pow(2,d); /*p is growing from 0*/ printf("%lf\n",V[p]); } V_tot=0; for(s=0;s { V_tot=V_tot+V[s]; s++; } printf("%e\n",2*V_tot); finish=clock(); duration=(float)(finish-start); printf("%f",duration); }
By OctoMiao
Last updated January 08, 2011