Created by Lei Ma
Let's go shopping.
Look at Charles. He's got nice things in his cart. Let's just copy it.
Alice, I think Charles should also get a lot more to eat. Let's tell him.
Hey I do need them. I'll merge your cart to mine.
Git always adds things, even you do deletions.
Records of each change are kept safe.
Rolling back to previous commits is easy.
GUI for Mac, Linux and even Windows
CL involves only 4 or 5 commands for beginners.
Push to remote server
Git is a DISTRIBUTED tool.
When I say decentralization I do mean D-E-C-E-N-T-R-A-L-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N.
Work offline or as a better choice use private repository.
The workflow of science is like our git workflow. It's just not git enough.
Fork a work, not just a paper.
Decentralize research by open science. Fight Matthew effect.
New Evaluation Procedure for scientists is one of the keypoints.
Source of this presentation is here (gradschool). [Presentations/whygit]
I use reveal.js to make these slides. It's a great tool.
My GitHub Account: @OctoMiao
A HTML4Scientists Template: HTML4Scientists
Survive Grad School: GradSchool Repo