2.2 Text

You can make emphasized text.

You can make bold text.

You can make fixed-width font.

You can make block quotes:

this is a block quote

You can make code blocks:

this is a regular code block
no styling information here

You can also make code blocks and get nice per-language syntax highlighting. For example, the following block is some Python code:

import os
print os.path.abspath(__file__)

Some convenience substitutions are defined in the epilog:

  • e.g.,
  • i.e.,
  • et al.
  • dash—
  • non-breaking space -> <-

You can have inline superscript or subscript text.

Big quotes, also known as an epigraph:

Your avatar can look any way you want it to, up to the limitations of your equipment. If you're ugly, you can make your avatar beautiful. If you've just gotten out of bed, your avatar can be wearing beautiful clothes and professionally applied makeup. You can look like a gorilla or a dragon, or a giant talking penis in the Metaverse. Spend five minutes walking down the street, and you will see all of these.

—Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash